Monday, 26 March 2012

Evaluation Question 4- Who would be the audience for your media product? Part two.

Evaluation Question 4- Who would be the audience for your media product? Part one.

Before creating my magazine I did both secondary and primary research on my target audience. I did this through research into different club websites and images of a range of different DJ'. I also know and and enjoy the kind of music my target audience like, consequently I have an idea of what kind of things they enjoy and what kind of poeple they are.

My media product is based on DJ's and dance music therefore my target audience would be majorly males between the estimated ages 16 and 35, however females within the same age bracket are also likely to invest in my magazine too. I would like to think males and females would be of equal interest. They are of either working or middle class backgrounds. Their interests will be going to festivals, Creamfields and Tomorrow Land being the main choices with holliday destinations being Ibiza, Amsterdam, Majorca etc. Obviously, going out and socialising will also be of interest and enjoyment to the target audience. They are likely to be fun, energetic people that go out and lead a busy, excitable lifestyle.

Evaluation Question 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

The process of making and selling a media product, a magazine in this case, begins with an idea from somebody who then develops it into a presentation/ brainstorm of which will be presented to a media company, such as Bauer Media. If the company like the idea and accept it, the magazine will be produced, advertised and sold in any shops seen to be appropriate for the public to buy.

I think Bauer Media would benifit from investing in my magazine as they have not yet been involved with a DJ magazine, instead they just own a range of rock/indie/pop magazines. There is a wide audience for my magazine, therefore Bauer Media would be appealing to not only a mainstreem market but also a niche market. The target age of my audience is around about 14-30, consequently any company that were to sell my magazine would be gaining a huge audience from a wide age range. Additionally, Bauer Media don't have an outstanding amount of music magazines and I think investing in my magazine would be a brilliant way to progress in that area.

Bauer Media have a lot of great selling magazines such as Heat, Grazia, More and Q therefore I believe they would also benifit me and my product aswell as my product benifiting them. Heat and Q have a lot of corresponding T.V advertisements aswell as the internet, radio, posters and social networking sites. I think it is a great way of advertising as it tagerts both the young and old and people that have different hobbies and interests. All of the above are great agents of advertising. The more and better types of advertising results in more customers. I don't think it is massively important as to what genre specifies in a certain advertisement; any advertisement is good, however, it is important to know how and where to taget your intended audience. Majority of people nowadays have Facebook and there's a rising population on Twitter, both of which have been known to offer free advertising which is usefull when saving money but it still speaks volumes to those interested. I think a great way of advertising is on relevent music channels but also on mainstreem music channels such as VIVA and 4Music because it will entice a newer and fresher audience.

There are several shops that would be extremely usefull when it comes to distributing my product; HMV, WHSmiths, supermarkets (Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys The Co-opretive) and smaller, more local news agents. This will give the public a chance to see more of the magazine and perhaps be persuaded into buying it and it will also make the product more accessable. DJ magazine is sold online which I think would be a great way to distribute my product as my target audience are very likely to be online often. Additionally, online distribution also means it does not rule out less mobile people as an audience member. With the rise of Web 2.0 it will make the online selling of my product much more easier. Not only would I distribute it in shops only I believe that 'pop up's' on the shops webites (HMV/ Ticketmaster) for example as it is relevent not only to the websites but also to the people using the websites.

Evaluation Question 2- How did you represent social groups?

Evaluation Question 1- In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When doing my textual analyisis, to begin with i looked at magazines such as Q, Kerrang and Mojo as i was unsure as to what genre my magazine was going to be. However I then began to steer in the dance genre and studied a magazine called DJ.

Due to looking at two completely opposite genres I saw both differences and similarities between the two. For instance, all magazines have a left alinement so that all of the writing on the front cover is in view of the audience. Although wanting my magazine to stand out I also wanted for it to appear professional so not only did I follow the alinement convention but I followed others too; All magazines' mast heads were centered or slightly to the left, this is due to how they are arranged on the shop shelves. Additionally when it came to images all real media products had one image on the front cover, so that it didn't appear too cluttered nor confuse the reader, however within the contents pages I found that there tended to be several images featured. In my opinion this is likely to help the product to sell as too much writing and very little image on the page can appear daunting to the reader when they open the product. I noticed that on the double page spread pages there was usually a main image and some text, which I liked the look of therefore applied it to my own media product because I think that appeared fuss- free and allowed the main subject of the article become of interest to the audience without them becoming distracted by anything. I also followed the convention of using bright colours and a noticable font (in my case, red, Stencil Std) as I believe it is attractive to they eye and catches peoples attention and therefore is likely to stand out amongst other magazines.

DJ magazine had males as the majority sex in their images, especially on the front cover, so I used a male student in my class to feature on my front cover, another male student to feature on my double page spread. However, I then included a female student on my contents page so that my product would appeal to both sexes. The mise-en-scene of the images were, inevitably DJ music as this is the genre of my magazine, so I included props such as caps, bracelets and the costume for the front cover subject was a baggy t.shirt- this follows the style of most DJ's.

I decided to use a range of different colours when constructing my magazine, the contrast between the red, green and white on the front cover contrast against the dark background. This is not typical amongst the real media products, however DJ magazine have a similar mis-matched theme, if you like.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Double Page Spread Improvements

Contents Improvements

Cover Improvements

Rough Cut Feedback

Rough Cut

Double Page Spread Construction

Contents Page Construction

Front Cover Construction


Here I am adding a 32.4cm alinement to give it a professional look as I have seen that all of the magazines on sale don't have text that is pushed right to the edge of the page- they have an alinement, usually coming from the left.

I have chose this medium close up image for my front cover as I believe it anchors the DJ theme throughout. Also, I like how his hand is pointing toward the reader- it's likely to catch the audiences attention. 

Here, I am choosing Stencil Std font for my logo because I think it stands out from the usual font used in magazines, yet it still has a professional feel about it. It's unusual and also gives the cover an informal look.

I chose the circle tool for a black background to my insentive, it allows the red and white text to stand out and makes it appear very professional.

I decided to write "WIN!" in a larger font as