Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation Question 7- Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the main task?

Research and Planning: The prelim research was lacking in content, although I did do some there was nowhere near enough there for me to construct my magazine properly, confidently and with the right amount of knowledge. Whereas in my research for my final product I included things like; 
  • a survey
  • textual research influence
  • research into institutions that distribute similar products
  • research into potential target audience part one and two
  •  primary target audience
  • flat plans
  • image analysis
  • planning my article and more 

Prelim Task:

Media magazine- final:  

It's clear to see the progress my media products have made since my prelim task. My prelim task is extremely basic and simple; the fonts, image and background are all unprofessional and there's not enough sell lines/ insentives that would persuade the audience to buy the product. My final media product, however is much more professional and doesn't look as spars. The use of different fonts, colours and shapes exemplifies that I have the knowledge needed to make my product poressional. I have included things like, a skyline, an insentive, barcode, price, better sell lines, a more professional masthead and an image which looks good, all of which were lacking in my prelim task. Additionally, when constructing my prelim I did not have a contents or double page spread which is obviously all there in my final product. I think that with time my knowledge of using different technologies has developed hugely and has allowed my product to increase in content and quality. 

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