Thursday 9 February 2012

Planning my article.

Mode: My double page spread will be an interview with the main subject, a DJ of whom has just finished their tour. The field of the interview will be the artists success, their tour, recent and upcoming projects and amusing anecdotes from back stage. I believe these subjects will be of interest to the reader as they are likely to want to get to know the artists as much as possible. 

Narrative voice: Throughout the interview I will include the first and second person narrative. The second narrative voice will be used when the interviewer is asking the questions and the first being used when the artist is answering. I believe this will allow the tenor between the artist and the reader to become closer and also feel much more relaxed and informal than if it were in the third person narrative. 

Introductory paragraph: This will also be in the second person narrative, it will make the reader feel as though the article is talking directly to them. Additionally it will add much more personality to the article and therefore making it much more interesting. 

Lexis: The language I will be using throughout the interview will be of an informal yet somewhat professional tone. When the artist is answering the interviewers questions they will obviously have their own idiolect. I want them to appear relaxed, however still excited about their up and coming projects, I also inevitably want them to be liked by the reader so I will therefore make sure their language is one of which has a lot of their personality being exemplified though what they say and how they say it. 

Additional information: I think it will be a good idea, (due to the fact my audience are likely to be passionate about the music inside the magazine) to also include further tour dates, websites and any extra information that may be of use to the reader. This will lead the reader into believing they are getting something really useful out of buying the magazine and it also makes it seem much more than 'just an interview'. 

Friday 3 February 2012

Planning my article- narrative voices.

Using a second person narrative allows the reader to immediately become involved in what the article is saying and therefore they are more likely to be interested in the content. Additionally, along with a second person narrative, in an introduction, usually comes a rhetorical question, of which gets the reader thinking and puts them in the artists shoes somewhat. It also acts as a hook to the reader and entices them to keep reading the article. 

The first person narrative will be interesting for the reader as it conveys how and what the subject thinks. It adds an aspect of their personality which is likely to make it also less formal and a little bit more fun to read. Majority of the time the first person narrative is used in interviews. 

The third person narrative is a way of explaining to the reader the situation and it also allows you to summarise the article without using biased language. It lets the reader make their own mind up on the subjects and the article itself. It can also be quite factual, with dates and names etc therefore appears more trustworthy so the reader then feels what they are reading is true. This will entice the reader to read on and even perhaps keep buying the magazine. 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Image analysis.

Paolo's eyes are facing downwards and are in the middle third of the image which would suggest that he has something to hide which acts as a hook to the audience. The lighting of the image is pretty natural- coming in from the end of the tunnel, however the image as a whole is quite dark which anchors the subjects eye line. His costume is simple and there's nothing too extravagant about the location either which allows all of the attention to be on the subject. It is a medium close up with the subject edging to the left third of the page, this conveys the significance of the artist.

The subjects costume and the background of the image contrast with his skin colour- this emphasizes the importance of him and his black rap genre of music. His eye line is central in the top third of the frame and they are looking down upon us, this would suggest he is of importance. His pose is quite threatening without being agressive- his head is tilted backwards and his hands are in his pockets, this morrors the genre of music of which he is associated with.