Friday 3 February 2012

Planning my article- narrative voices.

Using a second person narrative allows the reader to immediately become involved in what the article is saying and therefore they are more likely to be interested in the content. Additionally, along with a second person narrative, in an introduction, usually comes a rhetorical question, of which gets the reader thinking and puts them in the artists shoes somewhat. It also acts as a hook to the reader and entices them to keep reading the article. 

The first person narrative will be interesting for the reader as it conveys how and what the subject thinks. It adds an aspect of their personality which is likely to make it also less formal and a little bit more fun to read. Majority of the time the first person narrative is used in interviews. 

The third person narrative is a way of explaining to the reader the situation and it also allows you to summarise the article without using biased language. It lets the reader make their own mind up on the subjects and the article itself. It can also be quite factual, with dates and names etc therefore appears more trustworthy so the reader then feels what they are reading is true. This will entice the reader to read on and even perhaps keep buying the magazine. 

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