Wednesday 25 January 2012

Target Audience

 I have been doing research regarding music magazines' target audience and how it is conveyed through different aspects of the magazine, such as; colours, the certain subject featured on the front and the theme of the articles themselves. Due to this I have come to the conclusion that the target audience of whom will read my magazine are very likely to be a certain way and interested in certain things. 

Age: 14-30
Gender: Both male and females, ideally equal.
Class: Working class- middle class.
Music Interests: House/ Dance/ Dubstep.
Media Influences: Music, advertisements (clubs, CD's etc), YouTube and social networking sites.

Taking my target audience into account I will have to balance the article themes equally so that both males and females are interested in buying the product. The same applies with every other aspect of the magazine. For example if I am willing for both genders to buy my magazine it wouldn't make sense to have the colour theme pink as it would immediately be disregarded by males. The same if I were to have very attractive, half naked females on almost every page in the magazine, females would be lead to believe the magazine is aimed at males only. Class is something that will also affect my magazine- it will be reasonably priced and the target audience can expect to get a lot of read for their money. Additionally, without being disrespectful to the lower/middle class people, the language used in my magazine will not be of a high vocabulary, therefore those of whom don't have the same language ability as those of a higher class will not feel inferior or as if they are not able to buy the product. Due to the fact my audience will be interested in DJ's and of a lower class I will include insentives so that they will be persuaded in buying my magazine. I will also include, reviews of new and upcoming artists and their albums/gigs so that the audience feel that they are recieving useful information rather than just interview articles and photo shoots. Generally, my target audience are relatively young and likely to be interested in social networking sites, consequently I will make sure there are websites that the reader can use inside the magazine. For example there will be a Facebook page and the magazines own website for further information.

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