Wednesday 25 January 2012

Flat Plans.

Front cover: I have used a medium close up shot for my front cover as I think it sets the page off well, without making it appear cluttered. The models eyes are placed in the centre of the page and her face therefore becomes a focal point to the reader.The way in which the sell lines, masthead, insentive and sky lines are laid out allows the text to act as a frame for the models face- this coveys the subjects importance to the magazine. The background of the page will be of a dark, grey scale so that not only the text stands out but also the models make up too. The masthead will be a different, contrasting colour to the background and the sell lines, this will allow it to be the first thing the reader notices. It is on the left side of the page which is also convenient as we read from left to right and also to the way the shops layout the magazines on the shelves. I have made a left alinement of 6mm to make the page have a professional feel (most of the magazines already on the market have done this). Other than the masthead the main sell line is the largest text on the page as it is the most important sell line on the page. The models name will appear in a different font so that it stands out and people recognise her name, this will act as a persuasion to the target audience as will the insentive featured at the top of the page. The insentive overlaps both the skyline and the masthead and gives it a slightly informal feel. Both the insentive and one of the sell lines will have a frame around them so that they stand out from the dark background. 

Contents page: The contents page will be kept relatively simple with lines acting as seperaters inbetween each column and image, this will make the page easier to follow. Each page will have a bold, stand out banner above it so that it is easier for the reader to find what they are looking for, it also makes the page seem fuss free. I have repeated the masthead, yet made it smaller so that the reader will get used to seeing it and therefore be able to recognise the magazine. The colour and font of the text will be kept the same throughout so that the magazine stays professional. Again, the text will frame the image, therefore making it the most important feature on the page. I have included another skyline on this page as I think it sets the page off and draws your eye across the page, it's also a useful way to include extra information without having to make the page feel cluttered. I have kept the left alinement of 6mm to keep up the professional feel.

Double page spread:  The main image on this page is large and takes up nearly a full A4 page, this conveys the importance of the artist and it also makes the text feel less daunting to read with too much text. The text is set out into columns across the right hand page so that it is easier for the reader to read and it keeps the professional feel throughout. The article title will be in a bold contrasting font so that it stands out, it also overlaps onto the right hand page, this immediately draws the readers eye across the page. The article page will be in bold so that the audience will have their attention on that, it will act as a kind of hook to the reader and will therefore make them want to keep reading. The main image will be one of a flirtatious manor so that it also appeals to men aswell as women.

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