Tuesday 24 January 2012

Textual Research Influence.

Front Cover:

The magazine covers of which I studied (Billboard, Q, DJ and CLASH) all had an overlap of some sort as regards to the image, logo, masthead and text. I think this allows the page to have a slightly informal feel, as long as it is kept professional and doesn't look messy by having too much overlapping so that it becomes unreadable or cluttered. I like the left alinement as it makes complete sense due to the fact we read from left to right, it will natuarally draw your eye across the page. I don't like the idea of having too much text on the front cover as I find it is likely to put the intended audience off buying the product and I don't think it is a good idea to give too much away on the first page they audience will see. The Billboard and Q (Kings of Leon) covers I looked at are good examples of an un-cluttered, fuss free layout. Additionally I think it looks profesional when the text frames the image as it shows the significance the subject has and they therefore become a focal point to the page.
As regards to the colour scheme, my initial thoughts are a black and white/ greyscale image along with a contrasting logo and text. Billboard is a great example of this. The image is likely to be a medium close up, however, only one of the covers that I looked at included a medium close up but the rest worked just as well, if not better. The mise en scene will have a rock 'n' roll, alternative vibe as this anchors the kind of music that will be included and slso the intended audiences interests and preferances.
Although I dont want the cover to seem cluttered, I do like the idea of including an insentive of some sort as it will entice the reader into buying my product.
To ensure my magazine appeals to both male and females I will include different artists, poses, names, colours and stories.

Contents page:

The main image of the contents page will have a little extra information to it than the one front cover so that it entices and hooks the reader, it will probably be a shot that contrasts with the one one the front cover too. To do this I will add in some props, change the setting or the subjects costume.
I will seperate different apects of the page with lines, banners, coloured frames and bold text so that it is easier for the reader to find what they're looking for. I will repeat some of the things featured on the cover on the contents such as; the magazines logo, insentives and persuasive language such as "No.1", however, I will also add a paragraph indicating what the main article is about.
I liked the idea of adding the magazines website into the contents page (Rolling Stone magazine) as it ensures the reader knows where to go for further information and it also re-inforces the name into the readers mind.
I will keep the colour theme and kind of language the same throughout the whole magazine to keep it looking professional, I will only use one or two colours on top of the black and white/ greyscale images and background.

Double page spread:

Again, I will keep the mise en scene, colours, language, font and alinement ect the same as the previous pages to keep the magazine looking professional. Most of the exaples i looked at had only one large image of the subject taking up a full A4 sized page, however i like the Florence Welch version as the image overlaps onto the other page and therefore the two pages imediately apear to be one. I like the idea of changing parts of the font to allow certain things to stand out. I am likely to go for the minimalistic aproach to the lay out and just having mostly text and image and no distractions from the main article.

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